3 Study Tips That Will Surely Help
And this article comes from the website: http://amygillie.hubpages.com/hub/High-School-Study-Tips-for-Students
But if you are too lazy to click on a link and go to another website, I will be listing some of the things I find the most important. If you would like to check out the website anyway( totally up to you) than go on ahead.
Tip #1: What to study? It is important to know what you have to study before you go and study a bunch of irrelevant things that wont even be on the test. So first make sure you know exactly what topic you need to be studying and exactly what information you know you will be needing. Even if you think you know the answer, it still helps to make sure!
Tip #2: Make a study schedule. I find it great to know exactly when I plan on studying so if I have other plans, I know that it wont interfere with anything that is school related. Having a schedule keeps you organized and helps you manage your time more wisely. You know that lunch date you've been meaning to have? Make sure you're not blowing off your future for fro-yo.
Tip #3: Know the information. It would be helpful if you asked your teacher/professor what type of test it will be. Is it a written test or multiple choice? Knowing what type of test it will be will help you study a bit easier. If it is a written test, you know that you might have to know the answer word for word, but if it a multiple choice test, you have a pretty good chance at remembering some of the information and then getting it right because the proper answer has been provided for you. Remember that girl who had note cards in the cafeteria? You can bet she will ace the test.
So I hope this article has helped you in some way and I will be so glad if it does. I recommend you check out the website linked above for extra tips. Thank you. Have fun studying.
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